The claim requests as a precautionary measure that his permanence in the manor be ordered until the justice rules on his ownership.
The State Attorney has submitted a lawsuit against the frank family for claim ownership of 564 assets located in the Pazo de Meirás, not included in the initial lawsuit in which the ownership of the property was settled in favor of the State Administration, but no movable property had been claimed. The lawsuit includes a request for precautionary measures to dictate that the assets must remain in Meirás and in the State Administration’s deposit until their ownership is ruled.
The lawsuit claims that, specifically, two of the assets whose ownership is claimed must be considered property of National Heritage; 409, Documentary Heritage; and 153, of the public domain belonging to the Spanish Historical Heritage. It alleges that the assets are affected by the pazo as the official residence of the Head of State or are part of Spanish heritage due to their historical and artistic interest, given the link with Emilia Pardo Bazán.
The State Attorney’s Office affirms that these assets were not claimed in the previous lawsuit “due to the Franco’s refusal to access the property, which prevented knowing the assets located inside.” “The execution of the sentence and the access to the manor allow to know those goods and to inventory them”add sources from the state agency.