MISSING TEMPORARY | The friend of the temporary worker from Villacarrillo who reported his disappearance: “We believe that the boss has killed our brother”

09/21/2022 at 05:00


The UCO inspects a well in a house in Ginés Vicente in search of Ibrahima, who disappeared after arguing with his boss. The businessman was convicted of exploiting another immigrant who was lost track of in 2013 after demanding a living wage

“It’s over, I don’t work for you anymore. Pay me what you owe me and I’m leaving“. Were the last words of Ibrahim Dioufthe Senegalese seasonal worker who disappeared on January 5, 2021 in Villacarrillo (Jaen), to his boss, Ginés Vicente. His friend Abdou Bity explains it to OPEN CASE: “That day it rained seas, the field was muddy and the boss asked Ibrahima and the rest of the crew to go to the farm and collect the olives anyway. The refused to work in those conditions and they argued. So, Ibrahima told him that she was leaving.”

After that discussion, the day laborer went to a compatriot’s house to say goodbye: “He told him that he had already bought the bus ticket to travel to Cartaya (Huelva), where I was waiting for him to live together. She also informed him that had stayed with the boss that same afternoon at home to pay him the salary he owed him for a month of work. After being with the boss, the earth swallowed him, “recalls Abdou, who reported the disappearance of his friend to the Civil Guard. As this media has learned, the investigators are certain that Ibrahima never got to catch the bus.

As CASE OPEN advanced, the Central Operational Unit and the Criminalistics Service of the Civil Guard are registering, since Monday, several properties of the businessman who had Ibrahima employed. Among them, a garage in which, according to the investigations, the track of the Senegalese is lost. Also the house where the temporary worker and his companions were staying and where, as this medium has learned, the investigators will thoroughly inspect this Wednesday a well in the yard of that house.

| ATLAS Agency

father of a girl

More than 3,000 kilometers from the olive grove where Ibrahima worked for the last time, his wife and daughter, 7 years old, They have been waiting for news from you for a year and eight months. The young man had to separate from them five years ago and leave them in his house yene, his town of 32,700 inhabitants, 29 kilometers from Dakar, in Senegal. Ibrahima traveled to Spain in order to give his family a better future.

Ibrahima’s wife and daughter await news of him from Yene, their village in Senegal. The temporary worker had traveled to Spain to give them a better future

He settled in Bilbao and, shortly after, he moved to Huelva, where he collected oranges for four years while living with Abdou. “In Cartaya he never had any problems, he is a quiet, calm and hard-working boy. He just wanted to earn as much money as he could to send to his wife and little girl.“, says his friend. In 2020, “we began to have less work, then a colleague of ours told him about a boss who needed temporary workers to make the olives in Jaén and he went there.” It was Ginés Vicente.

Ibrahima arrived 5 years ago from Yene (Senegal), in search of a better future. | Open case

Ibrahima didn’t know it, but his new boss, with whom he began to have problems as soon as he arrived in Villacarrillo “because didn’t pay him enough“, had been investigated for the disappearance of another African seasonal worker, Tidiany Coulibaly, a 22-year-old from Mali who was lost on December 17, 2013 after demanding a decent salary from the businessman. Gines Vicente was convicted of exploiting Tidiany and other immigrants of his gang, but was acquitted of his kidnapping due to lack of evidence. Nine years later, Tidiany is still missing.

tore down the posters

“We don’t want it to happen like with Tidiany. We need to know what has happened to Ibrahima, where he is. And we fear the worst, we believe that the boss has killed our brother,” laments Abdou. A month ago, he and two other friends of the disappeared seasonal worker went to Villacarrillo to look for answers and they met the businessman: “We were putting up posters with Ibrahima’s photo and Vicente appeared. The boss ripped off the poster that we had just put while he insulted and threatened us. He told us: ‘sons of the great whore, you are bad people, I am going to denounce you’ “.

Tidiany Coulibaly’s trail was lost in 2013, when she worked for the same businessman as Ibrahima. | Open case

Ibrahima’s compatriots had a run-in with the businessman and his mother: “We asked him: ‘Have you killed our brother?’ and he replied that he did not know Ibrahima, so we insisted: ‘if you have nothing to hide, why are you tearing down our posters? Why are you so nervous? What kind of boss are you that one of your workers disappears and you don’t help look for him? and on top of that you complain that we look for it?'” recalls Abdou.

“The Blackslayer”

Far from calming down, the boss “was chasing us in his car all over the streets of the town, yelling at us and ripping down wanted posters, so we decided to put up some near his house. Then her mother came out to insult us, shouting that we are all thieves and that she is going to put us in jail.”

The suspicions of Ibrahima’s colleagues are joined by those of other residents of Villacarrillo, who know the businessman as “the killer”. Abdou does not forget what one of them told them: “When we were putting up posters, an old man who lives very close to the boss approached us and was interested in our case. We told him that we had lost our brother. ‘Who did you work for?’ he asked. And when we answered that for Ginés Vicente his face changed and he added: ‘Forget about seeing him alive, that man has killed your friend‘”.
