Requirement: 240 hours of community service and a year of driving ban for fatal accident Uffelte

A 23-year-old truck driver who caused a fatal accident near Uffelte in 2019 has been sentenced to 240 hours of community service. In addition, the public prosecutor believes that the suspect should not be behind the wheel for a year.

According to the Public Prosecution Service (OM), the man would have driven his truck very carelessly and inattentive. He would also not have properly secured the masonry blocks on the open trailer.

The suspect from Giethoorn ran off the road near Uffelte on 11 November 2019, after which the masonry blocks on the open trailer ended up on the road. A 77-year-old man from Diever just arrived with his wife. He tried to dodge the blocks, causing the car to end up in the ditch. The victim died on the spot. His wife was injured. The death of the former café owner made an impression in his hometown.

The suspect knows both victims. “They were neighbors of people I always went to the Truckstar Festival with. We sometimes chatted.”

There has already been a conversation with the next of kin, the suspect said. “That was very difficult, but it also relieved a bit, because the family was also a bit in the dark about certain things. I was very happy that they wanted a conversation. It still remains ghosts.”

The suspect does not know how the accident could have happened. “I really can’t remember how I ended up on the verge. The load was secured in the way that has been customary for years.”

Whatever happens, the load must be secured in such a way that the load cannot slide off the trailer, says the Public Prosecution Service, referring to the standards that apply to this. Nevertheless, no straps and slipmats were used when fastening. “Even as a layman, I question that,” said the public prosecutor.

However, his claim is mild. “This includes unconditional prison sentences.” The officer moderates his claim, partly because the case has been shelved for a long time and in response to what the suspect told during the hearing. Among other things, about the way in which he was trained at the carrier in lashing cargo. The method of securing at the carrier has been adjusted after the accident.

The suspect now has another employer. He’s still riding the truck. The judge will rule in two weeks.
