Russian dissident: “Last week escaped assassination attempt in France” | Abroad

A well-known opponent of the Russian regime says he escaped an assassination attempt in France. Vladimir Oshkin (41), who last month helped a deserted Russian soldier escape to France, was alleged to have been shot at at his home in Biarritz by a man with ties to the Russian security service FSB.

Osshkin revealed the facts, which date from a week ago, on the YouTube channel of journalist Yulia Latynina, who also fled Russia. “I was warned about a man who allegedly traveled to Biarritz from Russia and has ties to the FSB and criminal organizations,” he said.


“I had just finished dinner with my family when I saw out of the corner of my eye a red dot moving in my direction across the railing of the balcony. We immediately extinguished all the lights and lay down on the floor

Friends convinced him to leave home for two days. But after the weekend he returned. “I had just finished dinner with my family when I saw out of the corner of my eye a red dot moving in my direction across the railing of the balcony.” Apparently it was a laser with which a weapon was aimed. “We immediately extinguished all the lights and lay down on the ground,” said Osheshkin.

Deserted paratrooper

After he had also lowered the shutters and placed his wife and children in a safe room, he alerted the police. Neighbors are said to have testified that they heard gunshots. It is unclear whether a suspect has been found. Osheshkin says he can’t give any more information while the investigation is ongoing — and confirmation from the French authorities has not yet been received.

Photo Osshkin posted of paratrooper Pavel Filatyev after helping him flee to France © Facebook

Osheshkin is the founder of the whistleblower website It published leaked documents, photos and videos last year that showed widespread torture and rape in Russian prisons. He himself fled in 2015 and it was he who last month helped the deserted paratrooper Pavel Filatyev escape to France after he made world news for his criticism of the Russian army.
