“Disgusting to live in a country where Linda de Mol is criticized”

Linda de Mol has been refusing to be interviewed about her position in the Voice scandal for nine months and has received a lot of criticism for it. Disgusting, thinks girlfriend Tjitske Reidinga.

© Cornelie Tollens

Tjitske Reidinga, who worked with Linda de Mol for years on the set of Gooische Vrouwen, believes that her good friend is being treated way too hard by people. Although the actress initially wants to say “very little about her friend”, she still wants to say something in Weekend: “Linda is one of my best friends.”

‘It’s terrible’

It is unprecedented how hard Linda has flared up in the past year, thinks Tjitske. “I love her very much and a huge truck ran over her. For the past few months, I’ve really hated watching someone get pulled into something and be torn apart.”

She thinks it is disgusting that the Netherlands should approach someone like Linda in this way. “I find it terrible that I live in a country where people treat each other in this way and judge each other in this way.”


Isn’t that a bit exaggerated? Linda also provokes it a bit herself by stubbornly remaining silent about her foreknowledge in the files of Jeroen Rietbergen and Ali B?

Apparently Tjitske thinks that Linda cannot be blamed. “You are powerless, you can’t really do anything anymore. I have worked with her all my life and she has always been incredibly loyal and kind to her people. That you now get it from all sides…”

Time heals wounds

Linda just needs time, says the actress. “Life isn’t fair, that’s clear in this case. Time just has to pass. She’s in good hands, but it’s heartbreaking.”

Fortunately, Tjitske always knows how to brighten up the fallen TV queen. “I always make her laugh.”

Last week there also happened to be a fuss about the ongoing criticism of John de Mol. His big TV star Johan Derksen thinks that Angela de Jong should be silenced when it comes to criticism of the media billionaire.


Tjitske on Instagram:
