Are you going to celebrate carnival seated or will you drop out? | Join the conversation

Minister of Justice and Security Dilan Yeşilgöz-Zegerius will talk to the carnival mayors today about the celebrations that will start at the end of February, De Telegraaf reports. The idea is that one line is drawn and that it becomes clear what is allowed during carnival. One of the plans that are reportedly on the table is to celebrate carnival while sitting with a time lock and access card.


Nathalie says via Twitter that she agrees with Huub that sitting carnival is not possible. Nanda believes that if you really like carnival, you can also celebrate it sitting.

For Ilse, carnival is definitely over. She doesn’t party in the pub sitting down.

This Twitter user thinks that sitting in the pub, with a time lock and a meter and a half away, looks more like a drink than a carnival.

Bea indicates that people who celebrate carnival would like an exception to the corona rules. This is fine for Bea, as long as these people don’t come her way and spread corona or keep IC beds occupied.

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Are you going to celebrate carnival seated? Or would you rather skip a year? Join the conversation through our Facebook page.


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