Abdullah and Mohamed are at these three locations in Zoetermeer with their fish stall

A portion of kibbeling, a snack or a herring sandwich: who doesn’t feel like it every now and then? We have plenty of fish shops in Zoetermeer, but a mobile fish stall has now been added.

Father and son, Mohamed and Abdullah Uahhoudi, have recently opened their fish stall at Centrum West and the Palenstein shopping center. Especially during rush hours there is a queue of hungry Zoetermeer residents in front of their cart.

Four days on the Hague Market

Vishandel Mediterrane’s fish stall has been on the Haagse Markt for years. “We are in The Hague four days a week, and now also three days in Zoetermeer”, says Abdullah enthusiastically. “My father and I live in Zoetermeer, so we like to be in our own city with our fresh fish. We saw that a pitch was available at both locations. We responded right away.” Center West is especially busy during lunchtime and around 6pm when everyone is hungry. “Sometimes there are long lines,” says Mohamed.

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Fishmonger Mediterranean at Centrum West. Photo: near Zoetermeer

Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday

Fried fish, sandwiches, fish menus with chips and a drink and smoked fish are available fresh from the stall. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, father and son will be standing opposite the bus station at Centrum West with their sales van from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. On Sundays between 11 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. in the parking lot of the Palenstein shopping center (near the Aldi).

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