María Herrera leads the first women’s team in the World Cup

It is a real joy step on the paddock tent of the Motorland circuit, in Alcañiz, Aragón, where they are installed. And it is because everything is smiles, good vibes. It’s a different environment. Not because the Angeluss MTA Racing team, led by Alessandro Tonucci, has taken a spectacular, striking, important step in the Motorcycle World Championship by creating the first team made up entirely of women in the championship, no, but because the way they all work is different, beginning, of course, with the expressiveness, the smile and the complicity of María Herrera, yes, one of the women who has broken more barriers, if not the most, in the world of two wheels, in the world of racing, in this world reserved, always, for men.

Al Angeluss M3, directed by Aurora Angelucci, he is not worried (for now) about being the last on the grid in the small category. No one pays attention to that start, despite the fact that his purpose is to reach the highest possible level in this World Championship, that is, MotoGP. But they are here to show that they are as good as they are and that they know how to do things as neatly, professionally and efficiently as they do.

Maria, the leader

For this first step, both Tonucci and Angelucci thought of Herrera and that is why they asked for an invitation from Dorna to complete the team in which Stefano Nepa and Iván Ortolá have played throughout the championship. They must be on top. Maria is something else. María broke barriers, in 2013, by becoming the first woman to win the Moto3 Junior World Championship and, nine years later, she won the 24 Hours of endurance in Catalonia.

Beside Aurora and Maria are Lidia Cerezuela, technical and telemetry manager and mechanics Andriana Gallardo, Nekane Muros and Lara Hortences. “Our participation must be valued as a great achievement in the history of MotoGP”, comments Angelucci. “In fact, we sincerely hope to be a source of inspiration for young women who want to enter this world. We held a preparatory test precisely in MotorLand, the track where María Herrera obtained her first personal victory in the CEV, and home of her ‘wildcard’ in the current Championship”.

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Angelucci, who does not lose detail and has a thousand eyes in the tent that her team occupies, is convinced that “the team’s progression will be slow because what we want is for it to be safe. Of course we need everyone’s support & rdquor ;, she explains while a couple of KTM engineers swarm her workshop, “but the important thing for us is to feel safe in what we do and loved in this world where, finally, we believe we have opened the path that we deserve. We want write our own story and we will fight for it & rdquor ;.

“I know why I’m here, of course I know why I’m here! & rdquor ;, explains María Herrera, 26, whose father, Antonio, has never separated from her in her life and is extremely proud ” to continue in the fight, in the fight, because she and motorcycling deserve everything, everything & rdquor ;. “I am here to be the most visible part of this achievement, of this dream and give visibility to a new project that opens doors to new generations. This team has aspirations, has quality and is going to achieve its goals. It is something very cool that is worth betting on and that is why I want to help them give it the visibility it deserves & rdquor ;.
