Marit Björgen was shown a picture of her body – reacted immediately

Marit Björgen said that she has heard a lot of comments about her body over the years.

Marit Björgen won, among other things, eight Olympic gold medals in her career. Pasi Liesimaa

Marit Björgen visited a Norwegian recently Dagbladet in the interview.

The multiple ski medalist told how comments about her appearance have hurt her over the years.

– Many focused on commenting on my muscles. At the time I just accepted it, but in hindsight I could have answered back.

At the beginning of the last decade, Björgen was, among other things, accused of using prohibited substances. The accusations were based on his muscles. Especially the strong upper arms have attracted attention.

In his recent book Marit’s method Björgen says that he trained 14,300 hours between 2000 and 2018. On average, that means about 794 training hours per year.

Dagbladet’s reporter showed Björgen a picture of his muscular arms.

– I have done a lot of strange things during my career, Björgen immediately reacted with a laugh.

– Everyone was talking about my hands in particular. However, my body has made my success possible.

In his recent book, Björgen says that at some point he completely stopped eating apples.

– It felt like they filled my stomach but didn’t give me any energy. It was the same thing with sandwich cookies.

Björgen said that he became a real “carbohydrate machine” because he needed a lot of carbohydrates to train.

In his career, the Norwegian won, among other things, eight Olympic golds and 18 world championships on different trips.
