Future inspectors will start training in December after all

Future inspectors will start training in December after all

The second group of aspirants of this year will start training in the West Flemish police school in Zedelgem in October. “As requested, 64 aspirants can start, in April there were only 40”, says director Steve Margodt.

“Tests are taking a long time”

In June there was still doubt whether the December training could continue, because too few candidates were able to move on. According to the police zones and the police school, the cause lay with the federal police.

In order to start the training, you must first pass a few tests. And that’s where the shoe pinches. “Candidates have to wait too long to take their tests. As police zones, we would like to recruit and train ourselves,” it sounded then.

Staff shortage

Now the West Flemish police school comes with the good news that candidates can still start in December. They had also asked 64 candidates there, for now there are only 24. “But we can’t do anything else. Because only 40 started in April, they are in the police zones with serious shortages,” says Margodt.

“We also have a staff shortage, add to that wage increases and energy prices… But there is no other option,” says Steve Margodt.

The police academy will soon post a new vacancy.

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