Direct Government Control Session

09/14/2022 at 07:28


The president will have to answer questions from PP, Vox and ERC, one day after the parliamentary debate on the creation of an extraordinary tax on banks and electricity companies

The President of the Government, Pedro Sánchezwill respond this Wednesday in the plenary session of Congress to questions from the spokesmen of the PP, vox Y CKD on energy crisis, one day after the parliamentary debate on the creation of an extraordinary tax on banks and electricity companies.

It will be the first control session to the Government of the new political coursesince last August 25 there was an extraordinary plenary session to debate and vote on three royal decrees and several amendments from the Senate, but without the usual block of questions from the deputies to members of the Executive.

The energy crisis will focus the control session this Wednesdayafter the approval on Tuesday in plenary session of the consideration of a bill by the PSOE and United We Can to create an extraordinary tax on the profits of banks and large energy companies, which was rejected by the PP.

Specifically, the PP spokeswoman, Cuca Gamarra, will ask Sánchez in a generic way if “he knows if the Government takes care of the needs of the Spanish”.

The PP deputies will also ask the ministers of the branch about inflation, the Iberian exception (which they describe as “Iberian scam”) or about going back to school, and they will also seek that the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Luis Planas , rule on the proposal of the Minister of Labor, Yolanda Díaz, to limit the price of food.

The energy situation also worries Vox. Thus, the leader of this formation, Santiago Abascal, will question Sánchez about whether “he is still determined” to maintain the “climate legislation that prevents us from exploiting our resources in the midst of an energy crisis.”

The Vox deputies also want to know why the Government refuses, according to what they say, to lower taxes and if the Executive’s economic policy arouses confidence in the citizenry.

For his part, the ERC spokesman, Gabriel Rufián, will ask Sánchez if he believes the Government “takes sufficient measures to help the people who are having the worst time.”

The PNV will ask about the actions to promote the green economy and EH Bildu wants to know what the Government plans to do to alleviate the consequences of the increase in interest rates to 1.25%.

Citizens and their deputy Guillermo Díaz, on the other hand, will focus on the masks, because they want to know when they will be removed on public transport, one of the few spaces where they are mandatory.

Also, ERC raises an interpellation to know the Government’s forecast to comply with international rulingsafter a non-binding report from the UN Human Rights Committee pointed out that Spain violated “the political rights of former members of the Government and the Parliament” by suspending them from public functions before having a conviction for the ‘procés’.

There will also be an interpellation from the PP on the progress in the development of the Perte of the electric vehicle and another from Vox on “the specific measures that the Government is going to adopt to solve Spain’s position in energy matters.”
