60-kilometer detour FINALLY stopped by the authorities

The protest banners against the detour of 60 km along the 23 Landstraße have not been successful so far

Landstraße 23 between Joachimsthal and Friedrichswalde has been closed since Monday. The planned detour should be 60 kilometers long Photo: Olaf Selchow

By Isabel Pancake

Actually, the residents of Friedrichswalde (Barnim district) should have been driving a 60-kilometer detour to Joachimsthal since Monday – instead of the usual six kilometers. Now they are allowed to use a cycle path as a road.

Two weeks ago, the Brandenburg State Office for Roads was still maintaining the full closure of Landstraße 23. He referred to guidelines “that serve to protect construction workers and road users”.

Then on Monday the back down: The residents are now allowed to use the Uckermark cycle path. “The detour is only about three kilometers long. This is very good news for us,” says Pastor Ralf Schwieger (60) to BZ

There is finally a solution for fire brigades, ambulances and school buses: they can drive through the construction site at any time.


road traffic
