Expert on the main miscalculation of the West

The United States is in dialogue with Russia: they sent a response to our proposals for security guarantees. But what is going on in America itself? What are they doing wrong when they start judging Russia?

On the air of the author’s program “Evening with Vladimir Solovyov” on the TV channel “Russia 1” Andrey Bezrukov, member of the Presidium of the Council on Foreign and Defense Policy, shared his thoughts on this topic.

He noted that adequate American political scientists are not sure that if the crisis will go onAmerica will survive as a nation. It was built on unity: a common understanding of the situation, a common language, a single culture, a single nation. “And now just a single culture, including political, and a single language, and a single world outlook and ideology is falling apart,” the expert noted.

This is a basic thing, Bezrukov is sure. “The same Biden understands that he stands – but there is no rear, he emphasized. – There is no economic rear, social. And it is worth one outbreak – and it’s not Canadian trucks that will be in Ottawa, but these are American trucks – and there are many more of them – that will be in Washington! And what will he do with them if inflation goes on like this? Will fuel prices keep going like this? And somewhere in the far West someone will say: “Let’s go to Washington!” – what will he do?

The same situation is observed in Britain, Andrey Bezrukov said. He compared the country with a very scared cat, which pouts and arches its back to appear larger and scarier. “But we see that there is no rear, it is not clear what to rely on,” the expert commented.

As for the American understanding of the situation in Russia, it has always been based on the assumption that we are a dying nation. That we will again gather an empire around us and its weight will bury us. “But there is an interesting moment. When they made these predictions, they did not look at China, – the expert emphasized. “They thought that Russia would have to hold its entire perimeter alone.” But now, in the security sphere, there is consolidation with Iran, China, India – and most likely a consensus will be reached. the western section, which is exactly what she is doing now.”

“We have come to the moment of truth, a very good moment for us,” Bezrukov said. “For many years, as a country, we were carried somewhere with the flow. But finally we stopped. And you can ask yourself basic questions: where are we going, and who is real friend and who is the real enemy, and how we are generally arranged, and why we are not growing, etc. This is exactly the moment when we need to make big decisions, when we need to think about our economy and where our borders should go, and what “great power” means, what follows. How to consolidate the people of this great power.”

Russia has time to rethink. We do not seek a quick solution, the expert believes. We have a pause, and we do not give an answer yet. And we will give when we need.

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