Bad smell on terraces in Assen and traffic in Groningen will soon drive over styrofoam | daily overview Tuesday 13 September

A foul smell on the terraces on the Markt in Assen, traffic in Groningen that will soon be driving over polystyrene foam and rising tensions in Finsterwolde. Here’s today’s news that you (possibly) missed.

FIOD raids CEO of Jumbo and former race team owner in Gasteren

The FIOD has conducted an extensive investigation into money laundering raids on homes and buildings in Drenthe, Groningen and North Brabant. The tax intelligence and investigation service was, among other things, on the doorstep at the house of Jumbo CEO Frits van Eerd and former race team owner Theo E. in Gasteren .

Terrace visitors in Assen smell ‘a bit of a poop smell’

On a terrace you mainly want to enjoy a nice drink or good food. The pungent smell that people smell on terraces on the Markt in Assen is certainly not one of them. What it is? ‘A bit of a poo smell, a sick sewer smell’. Our reporter went to investigate .

Lower penalty for calling farmer on tractor

A 36-year-old farmer who hit a motorist with his tractor near Hoogersmilde in 2019 is given a lower sentence than was demanded . The man was on the phone when he caused the accident.

The latest news from Drenthe can be read here.

Traffic in Groningen continues on Styrofoam

The Herepoort combination will soon reach another milestone in the construction of the new Southern Ring Road in Groningen. This does mean that the connection of the ring road at Martiniplaza will be closed for a year and a half. Special: traffic is about styrofoam driving .

State Secretary visits reception center for asylum seekers in Zoutkamp

State Secretary for Asylum Eric van der Burg visited the reception center for asylum seekers in Zoutkamp. What does he think of the system that has been set up to prevent people from having to sleep outside at the registration center in Ter Apel? You read it here .

Rising tension about closing sports hall and swimming pool in Finsterwolde

Residents of Finsterwolde and surroundings can have their say about the on Wednesday for one more hour closure of the sports hall and the swimming pool in the village. This causes mounting tension. The municipal council of Oldambt wants to close the facility because cuts have to be made.

More news from Groningen can be found here.

Jip and Janneke are seventy years young

Today it is exactly seventy years ago that the first story about Jip and Janneke appeared in the newspaper. Introduced by Annie MG Schmidt and still undiminished popular .

BNNVARA goes on identity research with young people in Morocco

A viewing tip for the television evening on this Tuesday. BNNVARA presenter Sahil Amar Aïssa goes on an identity investigation with six young people in their parents’ country of birth, Morocco. Do they feel Moroccan or Dutchman ?

More culture news you read here.

Energy suppliers limit option to reduce installment amount

In order to reduce the energy bill, it is possible to temporarily adjust the futures company. More and more energy suppliers put a stop to that though .

Three-quarters of retirees deteriorated in 2021

Figures from Statistics Netherlands show that three quarters of retirees will have deteriorated in 2021, while 60 percent of those in work could actually spend a little more. For 2022 it looks much darker looking . Today it was also announced that Netherlands out of the top five of the best pension countries.

This is how you do cheap (o) p (er) groceries

How do you keep your groceries cheap when food prices have risen by 13 percent in one year? Get smart with these tips.

Interested in economic news? Read more here .

The ‘iron general’ and ‘hero of Ukraine’ provide bright spots in the war with Russia

Commanders Valerii Zaluzhnyi and Oleksander Syrsky played a key role in Ukraine’s successful counter-offensive in the Kharkiv region. Under their leadership, the Ukrainian army also managed to keep the capital Kiev out of the clutches of Russia. Who are these men also known as the ‘Iron General’ and the ‘Hero of Ukraine’?

The latest developments in Ukraine you can follow via our live blog.

More in the news

  • The Council of State discussed the new supermarket at the Borchsingel in Eelderwolde

  • The coronavirus repeat shot campaign has started. Which vaccines are administered?

  • During the Rodermarkt party in Roden, which starts on Friday September 23, cameras deployed . A laughing gas ban also applies

  • The strike and blockade at aluminum smelter Aldel in Delfzijl seems over

  • The bottom under the Oudcomfortstraat in Roden continues to sink and that causes unsafe homes

Editor’s recommendation

Three years after the environmental disaster with the container ship MSC Zoe, the bottom of the North Sea is still full of waste. Volunteer divers from Expedition CleanUpXL went under water for nine days just above Schiermonnikoog. DVHN went out to sea with them and spoke to the divers. Watch the video and read what else is found.

More news from your hometown? Go to .
