Susanne’s daughter, 12, took the dog outside

Susanne Yakes from Sweden was on her way when the sad news reached her.

Susanne’s life will never be the same again. His first child died in 2020. Over

Swedish Susanne Yakes tells about his worst nightmare in the new series Mothers in the shadow of violence. His 12-year-old daughter Adriana was shot dead at a gas station in Botkyrka in Stockholm County.

– She was walking her dog, Susanna aka Sussie tells other mothers who have experienced the same fate.

Sussie had gone with her husband and their two small children to Mallorca for a summer vacation. Adriana had wanted to stay in her homeland with her own father.

– I said goodbye to him as always. I hugged her tight and told her I love her.

However, the vacation was cut short when the phone rang at 3:20 a.m. on the very first night. It had already rung many times.

– I answered a boy who told me that my daughter had been shot, Sussie recalls.

Soon the police called and told the sad news.

– Your daughter has passed away. He has been identified from his passport photo.

The program says that the police will not confirm the information that Adriana may have been hit by a stray bullet. The incident is being investigated as a murder.

Susanne (2nd from the right) is one of the mothers who have lost their children as a result of violence. Over

Mothers in the shadow of violence today on TV2 at 23:40. See all TV programs and broadcast times in Telku’s TV guide.
