Maxime Meiland is disappointed with Dutch celebrity: ‘My life is limited’

Maxime Meiland is disappointed with the downside of stardom. She says she feels very limited in her daily life. “If I knew this I might not have done Chateau Meiland.”

© Tom Cornelissen

Many celebrities are in an incredibly luxurious position: they earn incredibly generous salaries with their exceptionally short working weeks. Maxime Meiland can also talk about this: for bouncing through the image once a week in Chateau Meiland, she is said to touch many tons a year.

Maxime is disappointed

However, Maxime wouldn’t be Maxime if she didn’t attach a huge lament to that. She finds the celebrities life very hard. “People don’t always realize that there is a downside,” she says in Televizier. “There is no such thing as a quick anonymous walk on the street, for example.”

She feels very limited. “No trips, no weekend to the beach with the family. You are very limited in your life. I sometimes wonder, would I have done Chateau Meiland if I had known the impact in advance? Maybe not, although of course it has also brought me a lot.”

Claire and Vive

However, Maxime also drags her daughters Claire and Vivé along in her TV adventure, so that at some point they also have to deal with all those disadvantages of the Dutch celebrity life. Will they be back in the picture this season? “Fortunately! We have made agreements with the labor inspectorate. They are allowed in the picture, as long as they are not consciously the center.”

She continues: “That also means that you can’t ask them anything. Yes, it’s a hassle, haha. But hey, I’m happy that this is possible. It was really no fun having to keep those girls out of the picture every time we went to play.”
