Energy saving tip: Living together can save electricity

It doesn’t matter whether you share an apartment with two, three or more people, as a rule the costs incurred are divided evenly by the number of residents. According to the energy supplier E.ON, a two-person household consumes on average 800 kilowatt hours (kWh) less electricity per year than a single household. The Federal Network Agency estimates that the average electricity price for household customers in 2019 was 30.50 cents per kWh. For a two-person household, this would mean savings of an average of 240 euros per year.

The number of single households is increasing2>

According to the Federal Environment Agency in Germany in 2018 there was only one person in more than 41 percent of households. According to the information, the reasons for this are on the one hand the increase in pensioner households, on the other hand this development can also be traced back to changes in the behavior of young adults. Later and later, they set up their own households and families with children. According to estimates by the Federal Office, this development will continue in the years to come.

Shared video streaming saves energy2>

According to a representative E.ON survey, 71 percent of German online users state that the high power consumption in data centers due to video streaming is not a major issue for them. Videos already account for 80 percent of global data traffic. In Germany alone, around five billion hours of films and series were streamed from the Internet in 2019. However, energy consumption does not only occur in the data centers when streaming. Calling it up on your own television, laptop or smartphone also consumes electricity. Also, the larger the screen, the higher the power consumption. If you want to be climate-friendly and still don’t want to do without the television, you can watch a film or series together with others. It’s more fun together anyway!

Install energy-saving lamps2>

The costs for room lighting are usually shared. As already mentioned, the light in the living room or the television in the evening consumes the same amount of electricity, regardless of the number of people in the room. Not only do you save money with energy-saving bulbs when you replace them, they also last longer. Nevertheless, it is important to make sure that you switch off the light when you leave the room.

Observe energy classes2>

If you want to equip yourself with new household appliances when moving into a new apartment, you should pay attention to the energy efficiency classes. With dishwashers and washing machines in particular, money can be saved with a higher energy efficiency class. In addition, these devices usually have lower values ​​​​in terms of environmental impact. In addition, care should be taken to make the machines as full as possible. The savings or eco program can also save not only electricity but also water.

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