Blanco singer: age, brother, songs and girlfriend

S.i call Riccardo Fabbriconi, but everyone knows how Blanco, one of the phenomena of latest generation trap. Born in 2003, it has been defined as the “rough diamond” of Italian music, which is gathering consents with all his songs.

A arrogant attitude and over the top – his smile is defined “unsettling»- combined with captivating melodies and a pinch of impudence they are making it one of the most loved artists among the new generations.

Blanco and Mahmood (Instagram)

On the stage of the Ariston he will sing Chills with Mahmood, who triumphed with his Money three years ago. Almost an older brother for him, who appears for the first time on such an important stage. “We want adrenaline»Explained Blanco on this debut. “We are here for that, for the thrill you get when you get on stage and we forget about everything else ».

The birth of Chills, a piece by Blanco and Mahmood

The piece was born because “Alessandro (Mahmood) was in the studio of Michelangelo (the producer Michele Zocca, ed) to work. I also had to go there to record and such we met, it was a long time since we wrote to try to get to know each other “.

Once in the studio, Michelangelo sat at the piano and “we started singing and the refrain of Chills. We haven’t seen each other for several months later, but we continued to work on the piece. I wrote my verse at home in the cellar. Him in Sardinia. We recorded it and the magic clicked when we let our parents hear it. They told us that she was beautiful“.


With Michelangelo, their producer (Instagram)

And so the two were convinced to go to Sanremo “with the blessing of our families, who are never wrong “.

The artists, then, in the cover evening, will perform with a great classic, The sky in a room by Gino Paoli, «an iconic song, one of the first of which I fell in love“. A masterpiece that «gives me crazy vibes. We will not upset it, it would be crazy! We will try to personalize it in our own way, to make it ours, but with respect ».

The Maneskins return to bewitch the United States.  Waiting for the guest in Sanremo

The Maneskins return to bewitch the United States.  Waiting for the guest in Sanremo

The relationship with Mahmood

The relationship with Mahmood, from that first meeting, has become tighter and tighter. «The refrain is fundamental. It is the assemblage point. We are linked by the same desire and search for expression, which is not easy and indeed can be painful », said Blanco speaking of his” colleague “. “We have a few years of difference, but we are aligned on many issues “.

Chills focuses on a universal theme that affects all generations. “It represents for me all those moments when emotions reveal us for who we really are,” he explained. “They lay us bare. The song tells of one state of mind that I can only express by singing“.

Now they have become so united that “we are thinking of having a childJoked Blanco.

Blanco’s beginnings

Blanco approaches writing almost by chance, dedicating his first song to a girl, only to discover an innate and spontaneous talent for music. In June 2020 he releases his debut single Belladonna (adieu), followed by Nights in White and Thief of Flowers, Disco Oro certified.

In October 2020 Blanco was selected for Rafar Italia, Spotify’s global program created to support the best talents of the emerging music scene in our country. This gratification is followed by the successful collaboration with Mace and ne Our song.

In February 2021 it comes out Blinders (below), then together with Madame public Everybody dies.

But it is in June 2021 the real turning point that consecrates him to the general public: together with Sfera Ebbasta he publishes the single You make me Crazy, which is consecrated as one of the great successes of the summer. The song, in fact, remains at the top of the Fimi / Gfk ranking of the best-selling singles for weeks (below).

As for his favorite genres, “a lot of space between plays“, he said. But he was most inspired by the great songwriters of the past. Among these «Battato, Battisti, Celentano, Lucio Dalla, Gino Paoli to name a few. Artists who wrote immortal songs, which can be appreciated by all generations “.

His first album, Celestial blue

His debut album is called Celestial blue – named after her most poignant single (below) – released last September and certified double platinum record in less than two months.

Blanco’s success is overwhelming: in one year he has collected 27 platinum records, 6 gold records and over 640 million streams totals. Furthermore, it turns out the youngest Italian artist to have positioned himself for 18 weeks at the top of the Fimi / GfK ranking of the best-selling singles and the second most listened to 2021 artist on Spotify of 2021.

But he is experiencing success “in the lightest way, really super easy. I continue to live in my country and to hang out with my four friends. I’m fine and that’s okay. I am aware of everything that is happening from my social profiles ».

And who knows what look will bring on the stage of the Ariston Blanco, who has accustomed us to a white tank top and underwear. «The first time the staff I work with met me was at my home“, he has declared. “I was in my underwear and they asked me to shoot like this. The idea was that of provincial boy soap and water and not the star with watches and designer clothes ». Luckily, next to him, there is him “Very stylish” Mahmood.

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Many have already given them as favorites (together with Elisa). “We are calm, let’s not look at these things,” Blanco closed the speech. “Excuse me, you know someone who, after being given as a favorite, has then won? “



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