The LPFF responds to the referees’ statement

09/09/2022 at 00:42


The LPFF accuses Rubiales of cheating on them, assures that he proposed to the RFEF to quadruple his salary, without receiving any response, and they invite them to sit down with the LPFF directly

“Unfortunately, the professionalization of women’s sport is experiencing a new episode of embarrassment”

The Women’s Professional Soccer Leaguewhich will be called Liga F, has responded with a statement to the referees’ statement about their intention not to referee the matches of the first day of the Women’s First Division under the current conditions.

In the letter, the LPFF accuses Rubiales of deceiving them, assures that he proposed to the RFEF to quadruple his salary, without receiving any response, and they invite them to sit down with the LPFF directly.

This is the League F statement:

“The professionalization of women’s sport, unfortunately, is experiencing a new episode of embarrassment, once again led by the President of the RFEF, Luis Rubialeswhich once again uses women as a battering ram to achieve its sole objective, to destroy Spanish women’s football and prevent professional women’s football from growing in the way it is doing.

In this sense, from the LPFF wants to inform the following:

  • The arbitration group is being deceived by the President of the RFEF and by his management team. Representatives of the LPFF and the RFEF have been negotiating various issues of an organizational nature for some time, among which are agreeing on the economic conditions of the arbitration group.

And, within the framework of these meetings, the LPFF transferred two days ago an important proposal to the representatives of the RFEF, by which the arbitration team would quadruple their emolumentsprioritizing an imminent agreement on the conditions of the referees and offering to negotiate the rest of the aspects related to the arbitration function for next week. Unfortunately, although not surprisingly, there has not even been a response from the directors of the RFEF.

  • The LPFF, despite not having received any response, has never been closed to continue negotiating, and given that, it seems, the arbitration group should not have been informed of said offer, We invite the arbitrators to sit down directly with the LPFF so that they can learn about the offer first-hand and continue the negotiations directly with them..
  • The F League Clubs continue with their sports planning and planned travel plans and will appear on the days and times set for the dispute of their Matchday 1 matches, as is their obligation, and as is also the case with the arbitration teams officially designated by the Arbitration Committee this week. In this sense, from the LPFF we want to remember that the arbitration function is a delegated public functionTherefore, if for any reason the day is not played, the LPFF and its Clubs will initiate all legal, disciplinary and damages actions against all those who fail to fulfill their duties or have participated in, or instigated such breach.

The women’s professional football project is a project for everyone. Of the Clubs, of the soccer players and of the referees. And all parties must join this historical professionalization that must be progressive and sustainable. Only in this way will the great objectives that we all dream of be achieved”.
