Energy saving: less heat in the house and colder showers

THEThe problem of energy saving becomes a reality: the Government turns into I decree the plan to counter the gas emergency.

Energy saving: what will happen

The text, which establishes the rules for not running out of gas, provides for what has only been rumored so far. That is to say the switching on of the radiators 15 days laterbut also one degree less in the house And one hour less of heating each day.

Less hot in the house and later

To be precise, the regulation states: that “the operating limits of the heating systems are reduced by 15 days” and therefore the ignition will be postponed by 8 days and the shutdown date anticipated by 7 days.

And that warming will drop from 20 to 19 degrees in housing and public buildings, 18 to 17 in industrial activities. They will do exception for users considered “sensitive”such as hospitals and nursing homes.

Radiators colder and turned on 15 days less: but the Government will also ask to save on running water, to use LED bulbs and to cut off the gas for the kitchen

Respect for measures and personal responsibility

For all the others, i.e. autonomous heaters, compliance with the measures will be entrusted more to the responsibility of citizens. The plan, however, provides for random checks for public buildings and large commercial premises.

Not only that, because Palazzo Chigi will also ask for save on running water, use LED bulbs and cut gas for the kitchen.

The decree will also contain a savings “meter”. That is, for each action indicated in the vademecum it will be known how many square meters of methane can be saved. The awareness campaign for energy sobriety is also ready.

Advice and behaviors to promote

In addition to the actual regulation, in the decree there is also a part in which they come encourage certain behaviors. Among these is undoubtedly the decrease the temperature And the duration of the showers.

For those who can afford it, then, the Government recommends replace high-consumption appliances and air conditioners with more efficient appliances. But also to install new electric heat pumps in place of the old gas boilers and solar thermal panels to produce hot water.

Fully loaded washing machine and dishwasher

In the kitchen it is recommended to turn down the heat after boiling and to reduce the ignition time of the oven. Of use a fully loaded dishwasher and washing machine unplugging the power plug of the washing machine when it is not in use.

Turn off or insert the low-power function of the refrigerator when you are on vacation, do not leave TV, decoder, DVD on standby and reduce the hours of switching on of the bulbs.

All this set of behavioral measures, according to government estimates, could bring total gas savings to 8.2 billion cubic meters. A figure that would correspond to the 15% reduction in total consumption required by the European Union.

Fundamental regasifiers

The government’s goal is to have the the first floating regasifier and, subsequently and in any case by 2024, also the second plant.

The regasification terminal will, in fact, essential to be able to face the winter of 2023-2024 above allconsidering that the storages will most likely be used this winter which is coming and therefore it will be necessary to adequately replenish the reserves.

Renewable sources when?

The development of renewable sources remains a strategic factor in the Government’s plan, as it allows for a structural reduction in the demand for gas, as well as CO2 emissions.

Therefore, the Government continues to confirm decarbonisation commitments for 2030, on the contrary, at this stage they take on further importance for the strategic purposes of increasing energy independence.

