Bologna, Mingardi on the exemption of Mihajlovic

The Bolognese singer-songwriter comments on the Mihajlovic case: “There was no consistency on the part of the company. And then Sinisa moves away from one of the reasons for survival”

Andrea Mingardi, how did you take Sinisa Mihajlovic’s exemption?

“Bad. And badly Bologna did to exonerate him because it seems to me a lack of respect and an inconsistent gesture for something they already knew for some time …”.

Are you especially sorry for?

“Because it is not the right time to remove man from one of his reasons for survival”.

The best moment of Mihajlovic’s Bologna?

“When it seemed, I think before the lockdown, that we could go to Europe, when we were five points from the beautiful area: here, that Bologna, like that of salvation, had the same anger in his eyes as Sinisa”.

And the most touching one by and for Sinisa?

“When the team went under the window of Sant’Orsola after the victory in Brescia. But also the pilgrimage for him, I think in October 2019: here was the true soul of the Bolognese people, that part of city ​​I hope and I think overwhelmingly that he would have continued with Mihajlovic at the cost of reaching salvation even on the last day of the championship “.

“I don’t know: we bought 7-8 players who if they make a good championship, well, take a picture of them because they will be sold to make a capital gain … Let’s see …”.
