Mourning for Emma Marrone, her father has died

Lall for Emma Marrone. IS Rosario, the singer’s father, died. She was 66 years old. The announcement came via social media: first from the municipality of residence of the Marrone family, Aradeo, in the province of Lecce; then she was the daughter to greet on Instagram his «Old Wolf».

Emma Marrone, farewell to father Rosario

A photo of the father playing the guitar. So Emma greeted father Rosario. “Have a good trip Dad. I love you and I will always love you. Your Gem»Wrote the singer. That for the last farewell she chose not a random photo but the one that most represents that deep bond that existed between father and daughter. It was his father Rosario, in fact, who introduced Emma to music and to pass on to her the passion for singing. It was also thanks to her advice and her tips that she became the star of Italian music we all know.

The virtual hug of friends and followers

The reaction of the singer’s many fans and friends was immediate. Including many characters from the world of entertainment: from Rocio Munoz Morales to Andrea Delogu, from Paola Turci to Elodie and Mara Maionchi, up to ex-boyfriend Stefano De Martino. All united around Emma in a big virtual hug in this moment of pain.

The deep bond between Emma Marrone and her father

Emma with parents (Instagram @real_brown)

Emma has always been very attached to her family and her homeland. Just a few days ago she shared a post about the pain she feels every time she has to leave Salento. “I will never be able to completely sever the umbilical cord that binds me so much to my family. I will never get used to the distance and the kilometers that separate us »wrote the artist. Then showing the small souvenir that he brought with him so as not to feel homesick: “I brought with me a magical booty, the fresh tomato sauce that mum and dad made for me.” And then there are many, many posts dedicated to the parents with whom Emma loved to spend the holidays and to whom she has always declared all her love for her.

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The announcement of the Municipality

The death of Rosario Marrone was given to the Municipality of Aradeo. «We remember Rosario for his commitment in our community, as a politician, former administrator and Prime Minister in our Municipality. An eclectic man, available, strong and straightforward that we will always remember with great affection »reads the Facebook profile of the Municipality. “Hello Rosario” added the mayor and the municipal administration.

