Return of club icon Marc Lammers in Den Bosch in 10 beautiful photos

He was not a coach for eight years. Now Marc Lammers is back with the hockey men of Den Bosch. In 1998 he became champion as a player with this club. Lammers became a very successful coach with, among other things, a gold Olympic medal. He then became a talent coach and guest speaker. His return on Saturday against champion Bloemendaal ended in a 2-2 draw and resulted in these beautiful photos.

Written by

Leon Kersten
Marc Lammers watches the game before the dug out (photo: MaRicMedia)
Marc Lammers watches the game before the dug out (photo: MaRicMedia)

The coach addresses his players (photo: MaRicMedia).
The coach addresses his players (photo: MaRicMedia).

It is a tough match for HC Den Bosch (photo: MaRicMedia).
It is a tough match for HC Den Bosch (photo: MaRicMedia).

Lammers tense following the game (photo: MaRicMedia).
Lammers tense following the game (photo: MaRicMedia).

Photo: MaRicMedia
Photo: MaRicMedia

HC Den Bosch fights for a draw and is the moral winner (photo: MaRicMedia).
HC Den Bosch fights for a draw and is the moral winner (photo: MaRicMedia).

Hockey coach Marc Lammers (photo: MaRicMedia).
Hockey coach Marc Lammers (photo: MaRicMedia).

Lammers still coaches with passion and conviction (photo: MaRicMedia).
Lammers still coaches with passion and conviction (photo: MaRicMedia).

Lammers sees his team draw against the national champion (photo: MaRicMedia).
Lammers sees his team draw against the national champion (photo: MaRicMedia).
