Spain overwhelms Georgia with a great collective image

Spain gave the stature in his first demanding test in the Eurobasket. As if there had not been a break with the past, and the team continued to maintain its halo of greatness, the team of Sergio Scariolo realized with enormous solvency of the hostess Georgia (64-90) and added his second victory in the tournament, shaking off the doubts that have accompanied him in the days before this event. This Sunday, with hardly any time to rest, they will have to ratify these excellent feelings against Belgium (4:15 p.m., Four).

retired already Pau and Marc Gasolanother pair of brothers seems to have stepped forward to take over. Willy and Juancho Hernangomez They were in charge, in this second date, of pulling their teammates against a physically superior rival. His actions at the beginning of the third quarter, in which Spain shot their advantages up to 24 points, were a definitive blow on the table. But the triumph of the selection was, above all, a collective issue. The approach of Scariolo was key to starting a brilliantly started victory, which had excellent minutes of Alberto Diaz, Pradilla, Parra or Rudy and, in general, a splendid defensive predisposition with which they disconnected the key pieces of the Georgian team, trained by the Greek Ilias Zouros.

The aggressiveness and force of Georgia under the boards, with the presence of players with many centimeters like the pivot of the Lenovo Tenerife, Shermadini, or the power forward of the Milwaukee Bucks, Mamukelashvili. But the selection of Scariolo he was not only able to balance the strength in his rival’s area, but also to dominate hand in hand with the brothers Hernangomez and some motivated Garuba and Sebas Saiz (39 rebounds vs. 33).

Illusion and attitude

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The best thing about the team was its attitude. From the first moment he was an intense block, very aggressive in the fight for the rebound and that allowed him to cut Georgia’s flow and own some steals that gave him easy points on the counterattack. He did not need Spain, as it happened in the debut, a great prominence dand Lorenzo Brownbecause Alberto Diaz and Jaime Fernandez They offered excellent relief, and even took a step forward offensively.

Spain took over the pace of the game from the first moment and grew in confidence despite the fact that Scariolo’s players did not have a particularly lucky day from the triple as in their debut. Willy Hernangomez was key with his hegemony in the area, with which a comfortable margin was built at halftime (31-40). But the best was yet to come. The Hernangómez brothers left five magical minutes after the restart, with the seal of the NBA, and shot the team on the scoreboard (47-71, m. 30), an unapproachable margin, of which Georgia it could no longer be recovered in the final stretch.

Georgia, 64- Spain, 90

Georgia: Andronikashvili (13), Mamukelashvili (10), Shermadini (10), McFadden (6) and Bitadze (0) -starting five-, Burjanadze (6), Jintcharadze (2), Bekauri (0), Berishvili (3), Bokolishvili (5), Sanadze (9) and Tsintsadze (0).

Spain: Brown (5), Parra (8), Juancho Hernangómez (9), López-Arostegui (9) and Willy Hernangómez (14) -five starters-, Rudy Fernández (8), Pradilla (12), Saiz (8), Garuba (0), Jaime Fernández (2), Díaz (8) and Brizuela (7).

Referees: Saverio Lanzarini (ITA), Dariusz Zapolski (POL) and Gatis Salins (LET). Jaime Pradilla was eliminated by five personal (m.32).

Incidents: Match corresponding to the second day of group A of the Eurobasket played at the Tbilisi Arena in Tbilisi before some 8,000 spectators
