Two young children and two women died in an accident in Oud Gastel

The fatal victims of the serious accident in Oud Gastel are two young children and two adult women. A third child was injured and is in hospital out of danger.

The accident happened around half past six on the Blauwhekken. Two cars collided for unknown reasons. Emergency services rushed out en masse. Two trauma helicopters, about eight ambulances, the fire brigade and several police cars were present.

All five victims were in the same car. It concerned two families from Bosschenhoofd: a mother (39), son (8) and daughter (10) from one family were killed and the injured child (9) is the daughter of the other deceased woman (42).

There were three young men in the other car. The driver of that car, a 27-year-old Roosendaler, has been arrested and is in custody. The other two occupants have been taken to the police station and are being heard as witnesses.

Research will take hours
According to police, the collision happened near traffic lights or just before. Traffic specialists are investigating what exactly happened. That will last into the night. The road has been closed completely due to the investigation. The exits of the A17 at Roosendaal-Noord are also closed.

‘Deeply shocked’
Mayor Bernd Roks of the municipality of Halderberge reacted to the serious accident on Friday evening: “We are deeply shocked by such a violent accident with four fatalities from our municipality, two of which were children. As a father, I am deeply touched. I wish the relatives of the victims. and victims a lot of strength. This is a deep loss for our community.”
