Boerse Stuttgart News: Bonds weekly

STUTTGART (BOERSE STUTTGART GMBH) – Bond market report of the Stuttgart Stock Exchange

Federal/Government Bonds

The Euro Bund Future closed the last week of trading at 149.35 percentage points. It started the new week at a discount of 40 basis points at 148.95 percentage points. In the course of the week so far, the Euro Bund Future is trading in a trading range of 147.86 to 149.32 percentage points. As of Wednesday afternoon, it is at 147.98 percentage points at the bottom of the trading range. The yield on the fictitious ten-year federal bond rose further from 1.35% to 1.54% in a weekly comparison. The yield on the 30-year German government bond also rose somewhat more slowly from 1.49% to 1.61%. The yield curve is flattening out.

investor trends

E.ON raises 600 million euros

The energy company E.ON is issuing a bond (WKN A30VMX) with an issue volume of 600 million euros, which can be traded on the Stuttgart stock exchange with immediate effect. While the bond matures on August 26, 2028, the energy company pays its creditors a coupon of 2.875%. The interest payments are made annually and for the first time on August 26, 2023.

The bond has a minimum amount of tradable units of EUR 1,000 in the smallest tradable units of EUR 1,000. S&P assigns a BBB long-term rating to E.ON with a stable outlook. The bond can be prematurely terminated by E.ON.

Finland raises 1.375% capital

Finland is raising capital via a bond (WKN A3K8VE) due April 15, 2027. With an issue volume of three billion euros, Finland pays its creditors an interest rate of 1.375%. Interest payments are made on an annual basis. The first pro rata interest payment is already imminent on April 15, 2023. In the case of the Finland bond, both the minimum tradable unit amount and the smallest transferable unit amount to a private investor-friendly EUR 1,000. S&P gives Finland an AA+ rating with a stable outlook.

Pfandbrief bank of Swiss mortgage institutions issues a Pfandbrief

The Pfandbrief bank of Swiss mortgage institutions is issuing a new Pfandbrief. The Pfandbrief (WKN A3K8GY) has an issue volume of 300 million Swiss francs and will mature on June 10, 2032. The Pfandbriefbank pays a nominal interest rate of 1.375%. Interest is paid annually. The holders can look forward to the first pro rata interest payment on June 10, 2023. The minimum amount of the tradable unit is CHF 5,000 in the smallest tradable units of also CHF 5,000. Moody’s gives the Pfandbriefbank an Aaa rating.


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Source: Boerse Stuttgart GmbH;

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