Huijbergen against reception location for asylum seekers, residents hang banners

Residents of Huijbergen fear the possible arrival of a reception center for seven hundred to a thousand asylum seekers. The village would get too many people as a result, they think. In protest, the residents have hung banners at the former defense site, the intended reception location. The municipality of Woensdrecht feels that it is being forced to receive asylum seekers.

There are signals from various quarters that the old defense site is in the picture for the reception of asylum seekers. Alderman Lars van der Beek of the municipality of Woensdrecht understands very well that people in the village want to know where they stand. The municipality of Woensdrecht itself also looks suspiciously at ‘The Hague’, where the decisions for the reception locations are made. But in the Hofstad it is still anxiously quiet.

Old garage with grease pits
At the end of June, State Secretary Eric van de Burg paid an exploratory visit to Huijbergen. Mayor Steven Adriaansen then indicated why the garages on the former defense site would be unsuitable for reception. Alderman Van der Beek summarizes those arguments. “The impact of 700 to 1000 asylum seekers is too great on a village with 2100 inhabitants. Moreover, restrictive measures apply to the site, including a Natura 2000 directive. Furthermore, it is not a good place to receive people. It is actually an old garage with grease pits, you can certainly not accommodate that many people there.”

no compulsion
After the visit of the state secretary, it remained quiet, says alderman Van der Beek. “Signals are now being received that there are developments after all. The COA (Central Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers) is said to be setting up the reception. That is strange, especially because last weekend, after the unrest in Tubbergen, it was announced that other municipalities will not be forced to receive people. We have the feeling that this is the case.”

Own agenda
Woensdrecht chooses not to enter into a direct discussion with the COA. “That organization has its own agenda. There is nothing official yet, the State Secretary has not yet reported. going to clash this week or after.”

Until then, we have to wait for the announcement that Huijbergen will be designated as a reception location “We will not let ourselves be sidelined by administrative coercion. The government must also comply with the rules. Perhaps a judge should still be involved”, it sounds like. the combative.

The Central and West Brabant Security Region is also not clear. “The Ministry, together with the Ministry of Defence, is looking for possible reception places. Defense has listed the suitable reception locations for a large reception, including the location in Huijbergen. We do not know more either. We have to wait and see. We also have no idea when it will be open. clear,” a spokeswoman said.
