Fear of attack – stormed three objects in the north

The scenario is so terrifying that you can’t even imagine the extent of it: According to BILD research, criminals are said to have planned a bomb attack on a German nuclear power plant. A suspect is said to still be on the run with the explosives!

By Noel Altendorf and Marco Zitzow

► Flashback, the night of August 20th: Police officers and explosives experts stormed a forest property in Asendorf (Lower Saxony) with the tank vehicle “Survivor”.

At the same time, elite police officers search two apartments in Hamburg. There they will find a pistol and a “Scorpion” SMG, over 90 rounds of ammo and a silencer. A man is arrested and taken into custody. First of all, it is about the violation of the War Weapons Control Act.

But BILD research reveals a much more explosive background!

► During the spectacular operation in the forest, the investigators were looking for 200 kilograms of C4 explosives – but found nothing!

The explosive substance may have been stolen from a military depot in Denmark in 2014 and smuggled across the border to Germany.

According to BILD information, investigators from Baden-Württemberg became aware of an Armenian and alerted the authorities in Hamburg.

The decommissioned nuclear power plant in Greifswald

The decommissioned Greifswald nuclear power plant and the associated interim storage facility are said to have been the target of the attack Photo: picture alliance / blickwinkel/H

The local attorney general’s office then took over the case. According to senior public prosecutor Liddy Oechtering, the Central Office for State Security is now investigating the 34-year-old “for criminal offenses under the Weapons Act and the War Weapons Control Act”.

The suspect is said to have dealt with the weapons – the “investigations also extend to possible violations of the Explosives Act”. According to the senior prosecutor, there are no signs of a “planned explosive attack”.

According to BILD information, however, the police should check whether an accomplice with the C4 explosive is driving in a car!

And: the authorities should have an indication that an attack on the decommissioned nuclear power plant in Greifswald was planned with the C4. Next to it is an interim storage facility with radioactive waste!

This is C4

C4 is the short form for the English term “Composite Compound 4” (German: Composite Material 4).

C4 is a high-explosive, malleable plastic explosive with a plasticine-like texture. Commonly used by the military, C4 is considered relatively safe as neither fire, electricity nor shock will detonate it. It will not explode even if hit by a bullet.

C4 explosives are often processed in such rolls

C4 explosives are often processed in such rolls Photo: picture alliance / picture agency-o

So that the explosives are not misused for assassinations, substances are mixed in which can be sniffed out by explosives dogs.

In addition, C4 is enriched with metal dust in order to be able to detect it with metal detectors.

It is 35 percent more explosive than TNT. 200 kilos of C4 roughly correspond to the volume of a Euro pallet full of Coke cans.
