Sanna Marin’s Instagram followers grew exponentially

Sanna Marin is now by far the most interesting Finnish politician, at least on Instagram.

Sanna Marin’s number of followers has grown exponentially on Instagram. AOP / Janiko Kemppi

Prime minister Sanna Marin (sd) made headlines around the world with party videos in mid-August. Most recently, he has shown his support on social media Hillary Clinton.

The discussion on social media has been really heated, which has also been reflected in the number of Marin’s followers. In just two weeks, the number of followers on Marin’s Instagram account has grown exponentially.

Before the uproar, Marin’s account had 725,000 followers at the end of July. Just over a week ago, the Instagram account had 766,000 followers, where the increase was already noticeable. On Thursday of last week, the number of followers was 922,000, while at the time of writing the story there were already 957,000 followers. In just one week, the number of followers has seen a gigantic spike.

Over the course of a week, the number of followers has increased on average to around 17,000 per day, which is a really large number when you compare the situation with other politicians. For example, the chairman of the association Petteri Orpolla and chairman of the center Annika Saariko both have a little over 10,000 followers on Instagram, so the difference is huge.

Marin’s Instagram posts reach huge numbers of people. Many pictures have well over 100,000 likes. Marin is bigger than most social media influencers in Finland. Marin has also kept the possibility of commenting on stories available, when many other politicians have blocked it.
