Cristina Kirchner, a useless passion

The scene seems to be taken from a melodrama from the middle of the last century. The protagonist shouts her desperation to whoever wants to listen to her while she waits for her sentence, locked in her office while some, hundreds? Thousands? they listen in silence to her laments at the foot of her window in the Palace.

Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner represents many things. But before any other represents the past of the Argentines. Her problem, as she well affirms, is the Judgment of History. One in which there is no evidence, no prosecutors or judges, all small annoyances typical of political-judicial-media democracy that judges her not for what she is, as she would like, but for what she has done.

Cristina lives in the past. Her rhetoric comes from the past. Her passion has become obsolete as her economic, political and cultural ideas. Her universe of references is irrelevant in the contemporary world.

All his narrative comes from the early 70s. And that language of the 70s was nothing more than a romantic update of another passionate speech. The one of the Peronism of the 50. The one of Eva, more precisely.

However, the villains lurk. There is a conspiracy. How? They do not see her? It’s obvious!, he shouts louder and his people get fired up.

The system, the caste, the corpo, the machine of power, sometimes fails. And then something unexpected happens. Someone didn’t do what they were supposed to do and all the thermal keys went off. In one of those, in Argentina, in this country stuck for so many years, suddenly it is possible, in one of those, that justice be done. As happened in 1985 with the allegation of Julio Cesar Strassera, whom so many remembered while listening to the prosecutor Diego Luciani.

Suddenly a twist in the plot. The scam is exposed. The prosecutor has presented his evidence and it seems compelling. You don’t have to be a lawyer to read a good detective story. Too bad this is a real case. And that the victims were, this time, all Argentines. All, all, all, all and [email protected] the Argentines. The boludos, as the lady on the other side of the window says, we all went. Those who are on one side, the other or neither side of the crack. They robbed us all in the face. Like when you realize that your wallet was stolen on the subway, or that your cell phone was stolen but multiplied by billions.

His star has faded. The leader of so many, according to the prosecutor, made an extraordinary fortune illegally. I don’t know what the judges’ sentence will be. The one in History, the one that worried him so much, fortunately has already happened.

*By Pablo Avelluto, former Minister of Culture of Mauricio Macri.

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