Dead and injured in accident in Ledeacker are 18 and 19 years old

The death in the accident on the Quayweg in Ledeacker is an 18-year-old man from Gennep in Limburg. The three injured are 18 and 19 years old and come from Rijkevoort and Sint Anthonis. That’s what the police report. The village is shocked and local residents say that accidents happen more often on this road.

Profile photo of Jan Peels

The local residents hardly noticed the accident itself, but in the early morning they were awakened by sirens and flashing lights in the street.

On the Quayweg in Ledeacker, three victims were seriously injured on Friday morning and one died when a car went off the road. There was still talk of a possible fifth victim, but the police have not found anyone.

“When we walked out, I saw all kinds of blue flashing lights.”

The trauma helicopter, fire brigade and police noticed that something was wrong. A young resident was awakened by his father. “I was still sleeping and then my father woke me up to ask if I had heard anything. When we walked out, I saw all kinds of blue flashing lights.” The boy went to see the place with his father. “That was quite intense, I was quite shocked.”

Police are still investigating how the accident happened. Debris is scattered all over the road and the police have closed the road.

“They only step on the brakes at the last minute.”

A woman who lives on Quayweg recalls several accidents: “A few years ago, a boy from Rijkevoort flipped over when the low-hanging sun hit the roadside.”

A moped driver collided with a garbage truck. “A girl from Landhorst was hit by a garbage truck, we also helped her then.” According to the neighbor, the speed at which cars rush on the road is the biggest risk. “Then they only step on the brakes at the last minute. That’s just terrible.”

“If you don’t get out of the way, this road can certainly be dangerous.”

At the start of the road is a sign warning drivers of a soft berm. A neighbor who was born and raised around the corner from the accident doesn’t think it’s a dangerous road if you’re known there. “But if you don’t get out of the way, it can certainly be dangerous.” He calls the speed in particular a risk for those drivers. “If you’re going to drive above eighty kilometers per hour here, it’s extremely dangerous.”

The soft berm is an additional hazard for many drivers. “For example, if you have to give way to a truck and hit the verge, you can lose control very quickly,” explains a neighbor.

ALSO READ: Dead and three seriously injured in Ledeacker accident
