Germany approves a battery of measures to reduce energy consumption

Act at 23:06


The Government of Olaf Scholz agrees to lower the heating in public buildings to 19 degrees and not heat common areas such as corridors, machine rooms or lobbies

The Government of Germany has agreed that heating in public buildings be autn maximum of 19 degrees from September, within a battery of measures with which it aspires to reduce energy consumption.

The change regarding heating, which implies a drop of one degree with respect to the temperature that was recommended until now, contemplates that common areas such as corridors, machine rooms or lobbies are not heated.

Also, prohibits night lighting of advertising installations, as well as those buildings Y monuments that only require lights for aesthetic or corporate image reasons.

Olaf Scholz’s government also points out to individuals that they will not be able to heat their pools with gas and electricity. Gas supply companies and homeowners must also inform their customers or tenants about the expected energy consumption and possible saving measures.

The Economy Minister, Robert Habeck, has underlined the need to advance in “independence of Russian energy supply”, fearing that the situation will get complicated in the face of next winter. The measures will apply in principle for six months.

“Every contribution counts”, Habeck added, who advocated a “national effort” and the involvement of all social and political actors in Germany.
