Juve-Milik: meeting with the agents, towards an agreement. The game remains open

Hunt for the attacker: towards an agreement for the Pole, but the game remains open. Depay remains in the background, the decision is expected in the next few hours

This time the betrothed Milik could show up on the altar and finally marry the Old Lady, after years of more or less convinced courtship. The opportunity returns both for the Polish striker, out of the Marseille project, and for Juve, looking for a deputy Vlahovic at the express request of Allegri. Now it could be the perfect marriage, being an experienced A player (due to his past at Napoli), with a low profile and no longer competitive with Vlahovic, so as to keep the costs of the operation on an accessible level. So much so that during the day, at the first official meeting between the Juventus managers and the player’s agent, David Pantak, the parties easily found a general agreement on the engagement in line with what Milik now perceives at the OM.


Juve, in short, has the player in hand, but must now discuss the conditions for the transfer with Marseille: there should be no major obstacles on the loan with the right of redemption, but the required figures could go slightly over 2 million plus 8 for redemption as feared. The clubs will speak soon to find a total agreement, until then the bianconeri will continue to keep the Depay front open, even if the agreement with the Dutchman requires a decidedly more demanding economic effort and the player’s profile does not tie very well. to that of a reserve.

The technical question

Precisely on this point Allegri and the management confronted each other enough, since the required salary is equal to what the club already recognizes Di Maria, proposed up to now as a substitute, in the same area of ​​the pitch that would occupy the striker of Barcelona. The coach had asked for a reserve “9” from the start, having no real alternative to Vlahovic. Kean is more skilled as a second striker or as a winger, it is more he who numerically occupies the place in the squad of a player with the characteristics of Depay. Milik, on the other hand, will allow you to always have a reference within the area, without having to ask the owner overtime. And, thinking in this direction, it really does seem like the perfect marriage.
