NIGHT CRAMPS | Why do they occur? Symptoms and treatment


Act at 08:37


Foot cramps are one of the most painful and uncomfortable sensations, they usually occur in the middle of the night and are more frequent in pregnant women, the elderly and people with circulatory or nervous problems.

The foot cramps They are one of the most painful and uncomfortable sensations that, in addition, generally tend to occur in the middle of the night.

They are muscle contractions and can vary in intensity: from lasting only a couple of seconds or minutes and disappearing, to being accompanied by other symptoms such as burning or tingling.

At first, the cramps do not respond to any serious pathology. But be careful, because if they appear continuously they can be a sign of some ailment related to the circulatory or nervous system.

In addition, as a general criterion, it is good to know that spasms are more frequent in older people, athletespatients suffering from motor neuron disease (which affects the spinal cord causing muscle weakness and atrophy) and pregnant.

How to differentiate a cramp from a muscle overload?

The overload manifests itself with muscle stiffness, pain and poor flexibility, and the cramps do so with involuntary contractions.

However, the main differences are the way it appears.

While muscle overload occurs progressively and after overexertion, cramps appear suddenly and without warning.

Cramps are clearly differentiated from muscle overload | Freepik

Cramps: What are the causes?

The experts of Official College of Podiatrists of Castilla-La Mancha point out that the causes of foot cramps can be four.

  • dehydration. It is one of the most common causes and is closely related to people who frequently play sports. It is well known that when we exercise and sweat, we lose very important minerals, such as chloride, sodium and magnesium. The latter has an essential role in muscle function, as it helps reduce fatigue and tiredness.

Therefore, it is essential to prevent dehydration and replenish salts and minerals that have been removed during training. And it can be done, preferably, by drinking a lot of water (before, during and after) or with isotonic drinks (with low doses of sodium, as well as sugar, potassium and other minerals).

“Mineral deficiency also has a direct impact on the muscles, as they are necessary for their proper functioning.”

  • overexertion. Warming up and stretching before sports practice is in the decalogue of any athlete, whether beginner or advanced. Prepare your body for exercise by gradually increasing your heart rate and circulation. Not only is damage to the cardiovascular system prevented, but injuries and serious fractures, sprains and strains are avoided.

“When it comes to training, it’s better gradually increase the intensity and always stretch and warm up the muscles before starting, and at the end of the session & rdquor ;, explain the podiatrists.

  • narrow footwear. The frequent use of narrow footwear can lead to circulatory problems, in podobromhidrosis (bad smell and that can happen to all kinds of people regardless of their hygiene), in fungi and in ingrown toenails (producing pain and inflammation in the affected area).

However, it can also cause foot cramps. This is how they explain it:

“Sneakers that squeeze the foot a lot put a lot of pressure on the muscles, which can lead to cramps. However, using this type of footwear repeatedly can present more serious pathologies, so you should avoid it & rdquor ;.

  • Bad circulation. Although it can also be a consequence of the use of inappropriate footwear, and of pregnancy, when swelling appears in the legs and feet it can also be caused by bad habits such as tobacco, alcohol consumption or a diet rich in saturated fats. Nor should it be ruled out that it occurs due to high cholesterol, obesity or a sedentary life.

All of these factors lead to a higher risk of experiencing night cramps that wake us up with those painful muscle spasms.

“If muscles don’t get the oxygen they need, they stop working properly and can cause painful cramps.”

Treatment for night cramps

It should be noted that if these cramps occur during the performance of any sports practice, physical exercise must be stopped immediately.

If you do not identify with any of the causes or the foot cramps are very repetitive, go to the podiatrist

Whether they occur during a workout, at night, or at any other time of the day, heat can be applied to relieve symptoms.

Afterwards, it is convenient apply cold (cold compresses, basin with ice…).

And it can also be a good treatment to alternate cold with heat, which can be done with the shower head.

But if the cramps respond to dehydration, in addition to these tips, all the liquids that have been eliminated must be replaced.

Still, podiatrists warn.

  • “Although the most likely causes can be easily eliminated, if you don’t identify with any of them or the foot cramps are very repetitive, go to a podiatrist collegiate and titled to determine the possible cause”.
