Laura Romeo: business coaching to learn to motivate and motivate yourself

National actress since 1991, Laura Romeo found in coaching an interesting space to develop as a coach, Practitioner in NLP (neurolinguistic programming) and Professional Facilitator in Organizational Complexity.

– What type of coaching do you offer, do you have any specialization?

Yes, I do Business and Personal Coaching and I also offer different Workshops, virtually or in person. I dedicate myself to Business Coaching, since the most committed and motivated teams are the ones that best develop their full potential. Communication is fundamental in organizations, it is necessary to ensure that collaborators know what our plans are and where we want to go. It is important that they feel part of it, that they know that their opinion counts and that we want them to contribute strategies. Because from trust arises the possibility of creating, of making mistakes, of innovating. Effective communication makes companies grow and this directly affects the result. My job as a coach is to make this happen.

– Do you also do personal coaching?

Yes too. They are individual sessions where the coachee can see things from another perspective, make decisions and take action. The changes that are achieved are truly amazing.

– What is the difference between coaching and other disciplines that seek the same result?

The coaching process is much faster than that of other disciplines. It is a wonderful profession.

– What does the feminine vision contribute as a guide in these processes?

I think we all have different visions, it is not a feminine or masculine vision, because we are all unique, and the interesting thing is to encourage ourselves to be ourselves.

– When do you consider that success has been achieved in this practice?

For me, success is seeing the one we accompany grow, be it a team or a person. It is very comforting to witness the changes, to feel that they become protagonists of their lives, that they commit themselves and go in search of what they want, they no longer stay at the window waiting for things to come, they act so that things happen.

– Does failure exist?

For me, failure is not trying. If I try I already won, regardless of the result. It would be terrible to think, what if I had cheered up? Where would I be today? There is a special that I love on Netflix which is “The Call to Courage” by Brené Brown. There you see the difference between fear and courage and the importance of “taking risks”. If we really want something, let’s try it! Although we do not know the result, it is worth going after it. This does not mean that we are not afraid, it means that we are brave and put everything we have to achieve that goal. Sometimes it may be that a strategy does not work, in that case, no problem, let’s change the strategy! But let’s not lose sight of our goal.

– In what way do the experiences lived influence for better or for worse?

I appreciate each of my lived experiences because they make me who I am. All of them were worth it, many were excellent and others not so much, but they strengthened me and I learned that, like the waves of the sea, sometimes you have to go back to gain momentum and take the big step.

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IG: @lauraromeocoach

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