Fenerbahce Adana Demirspor match result: 4-2 Fenerbahce Adana Demirspor match summary

In the closing match of the 3rd week of Spor Toto Super League, Fenerbahçe defeated Adana Demirspor 4-2 at home. The goals that brought the victory to the yellow-dark blue team were scored by Valencia in the 20th and 41st minutes, Zajc in the 47th minute and Alioski in the 83rd minute. Adana Demirspor’s goals came from Belhanda from the penalty in 56 and Dzyuba in 66. The away team’s defender Rakitskiy was out of the game with a red card in the 82nd minute and left his team with 10 players.

With this result, Fenerbahce increased its score to 7, while Adana Demirspor remained at 6 points.

Goalkeeper Ertaç Özbir saved Arao’s head shot in the middle, which Ferdi Kadıoğlu cut through the left wing in the 14th minute.

Valencia, which hung in the penalty area with Emre Mor’s break in the 17th minute, remained on the ground with the intervention of Rodrigues, but the game continued. Referee Abdulkadir Bitigen, who watched the position with the warning of VAR in the 18th minute, showed the penalty spot.

Valencia, who took the ball on the penalty spot in the 20th minute, put his team ahead 1-0.

In the 23rd minute, Lincoln’s free kick hit the ball with his head on the back post, and Szalai’s kick went awry.

Gokhan Inler’s hard shot from outside the penalty area in the 27th minute was saved by goalkeeper Altay Bayındır.

In the 41st minute, the ball hit Serdar Dursun with Samet Akaydın’s faulty pass and remained in front of Valencia. Valencia, who caught Adana Demirspor’s defense empty and took the ball in the midfield, drove the ball to the penalty area empty and sent the leather ball to the empty nets after passing goalkeeper Ertaç Özbir: 2-0.

The first half ended with Fenerbahçe’s 2-0 advantage.

In the 47th minute, Zajc’s shot went into the net, as Lincoln turned the ball from the left wing to the ground: 3-0.

Onyekuru entered the penalty area with Belhanda’s break in the 53rd minute and remained on the ground with the intervention of Szalai. Referee Bitigen showed the penalty spot.

Belhanda, who took the ball in the penalty spot in the 56th minute, brought the leather ball to the nets: 3-1.

In the 60th minute, goalkeeper Altay Bayındır saved the shot of Onyekuru, who hung in the penalty area with Belhanda’s intermediate pass, while facing the goalkeeper.

In the 61st minute, leaving his opponents one by one and entering the penalty area from the left side, Emre Mor’s shot was left by goalkeeper Ertaç Özbir.

In the 66th minute, as Szalai could not clear the ball as he wanted, Onyekuru found the ball in front of the penalty area and passed the ball over the goalkeeper to the goal line, Dzyuba, who made the final touch to the leather circle, shook the net: 3-2.

In the 80th minute, Rakitskiy interfered with Rossi harshly, but the referee Bitigen decided to continue. Bitigen, who watched the position again with the warning of VAR, sent Rakitskiy out of the game with a direct red card.

Alioski, who found the ball in front of the left side of the penalty area with Rossi’s free kick used from the right in the 83rd minute, brought the score to 4-2 with a hard shot.

The match ended with the home team’s 4-2 advantage.
