Prince Andrew in the crosshairs of satire: a comic musical and two films are on the way

Land controversies that have arisen in recent years – from the alleged involvement in the pedophile activities of his friend Jeffrey Epstein, to the narrowly avoided trial and the silence of his accuser Virginia Giuffre paid, last March, to the sound of millions of pounds – have transformed the prince Andrea in an easy target for jokes and satire on the media. But now the jokes and teasing are preparing to become even a musical. And two films.

Sarah Ferguson at “Porta a Porta”: the relationship with Prince Andrew and Lady D

The musical about Prince Andrew

The British broadcaster Channel 4 announced that it will broadcast as part of its 40th anniversary celebrations Prince Andrew: The Musicalsatirical work inspired by the third son of Queen Elizabeth. Written and starring comedian Kieran Hodgson, the 60-minute musical will focus on the most controversial moments in the prince’s life, including the interview with Bbc.

The journalist of the Bbc rages on Prince Andrew

There are also two film projects already in the works on the interview with the prince conducted, in November 2019, by the program Newsnight of the Bbc. Emily Maitlis, the journalist who meticulously interviewed the prince, wrote a script that recreates not only the meeting at Buckingham Palace, but also the before and after of theinterview facilitated, apparently, by Andrea’s daughter, Beatrice. And for the role of the prince, Maitlis herself would contact an old friend of her, Hugh Grant.

More revelations to come

Hugh Grant would also be courted by the casting directors of Scoopfilm based on a recently released book full of unpublished details on behavior of the prince. It is signed by Sam McAlister, former producer Bbc who worked behind the scenes on the occasion of the interview and managed to secure the meeting with Andrea despite the contrary opinion of many at Buckingham Palace.

Andrea at Ascot horse racing with ex-wife Sarah Ferguson, June 2019 i (Getty Images)

The media earthquake ruins Prince Andrew

The Duke of York actually expected to defend himself once and for all against Giuffre’s accusations, but when the program was broadcast he found himself instead accused of arrogance and ridiculed for his statements. The episode was such an embarrassment for Buckingham Palace to push itself Queen Elizabeth to permanently remove her favorite son from the court, depriving him of all his Royal posts.

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Prince Andrew does not give up

However, all this does not prevent the Duke of York from plotting a return to court. For one thing, in the past few weeks he has made sure to be the first Royal a to visit the Queen, on vacation in Balmoral, Scotland. And in the three days he spent alone with his mother discussing his future, he would have asked Elizabeth to convince the heirs to the throne Charles and William – who continue to oppose his return to court – to allow him to return to the front line between the working Royal.

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