Former mayor and former minister Bram Peper (82) passed away | Inland

Pepper is 82 years old. He lived in Rotterdam and died on Saturday afternoon after a short illness in the presence of his loved ones. Bram Peper was mayor of Rotterdam from 1982 to 1998. He then became Minister of the Interior in the second Kok cabinet.

PvdA mourns death ‘smart and involved’ Bram Peper

The PvdA mourns the death of former mayor and minister Bram Peper, who was politically active for the social democratic party for many years. “We are going to miss his sharp eye and enormous involvement,” the PvdA reports on Twitter. “Our thoughts go out to his relatives.”

Party leader Attje Kuiken speaks of a “very sad message.” Peper “was at the basis of Rotterdam as we know it today and will be missed by us and many Rotterdammers and Dutch,” she writes. “My thoughts are with his family and friends.”

Party chairman Esther-Mirjam Sent also reflects on Peper’s death on Saturday evening. “On my last visit to him, his door was wide open. He spoke with concern about the breakdown of the government and argued for a strong state.” Sent calls the former mayor “observant, smart and involved. We are going to miss you, Bram.”
