Bekijk also: zo hear je ‘Hit Me Baby One More Time’ nog nooit.
In July it was whispered that Spears’ hair musical comeback would make the same thing with Brit. “Het duet was an idea of an Elton”, klonk het toen bij een bron uit de muziekwereld. “Britney is a big fan of him. Alvast responds to the result of the seed processing. Thanks also to the renowned producer Andrew Watt, who did everything well.” Not veel later, op 8 augustus, the rumored bevestigd by the artists zelf. Het duet is a new version of it ‘Tiny Dancer’, a great hit by de Zanger, from 1972.
The latest album by Britney Spears, ‘Glory’, was released in 2016. It is for the first time that the music played is not long on the curatele state of the Father. That was held in the previous year op. It was fans of the Amerikaanse tongres duidelijk not blij mee goods. “It’s not okay, Britney works so hard” and “Verwijder dit” were only two of the reactions. Het account in kwestie gaf uiteindelijk toe aan alle kritiek and verwijderde de fragmenten.