This is how small Kalle Rovanperä’s exit was in Belgium

Kalle Rovanperä’s car has been given four hours of repair time.

Kalle Rovanperä drove wildly out of the lead in the second ek of the Belgian World Rally Championship. ZUMAPRESS / MVPHOTOS

Kalle Rovanperän the exit on Friday’s second EK left its mark on the exit point. Fortunately, the driver and cart driver survived the terrifying situation without injury.

Supplier Colin Clark was at the exit. There is a big mark from Rovanperä’s Toyota in the field. The impact point, from where the car finally went three hills ahead, is after the ditch. As a result, the car unluckily crashed with dire consequences.

– When I initially saw the picture of the drive-out, I thought that something was broken in the front right of the car. However, this is not the case, Clark told DirtFish in a tweet.

Clark illustrated how small Rovanperä’s drive out was.

– This is really unfortunate. If the ditch had been longer, he could have survived without being driven out. The end of the ditch acted as a catapult from which the car took off.

Rovanperä himself commented that the exit was due to an overly optimistic driving note.

– There was a combination of bends in the middle of the section. I had marked the latter bend as a short one on the note. It might not have been such a short bend, so the note was too optimistic. We went wide and hit a ditch, Rovanperä told Iltalehte after arriving at the Ypres service area.

The story continues embedding after.

As a result of the crash, Rovanperä’s rally in Belgium is at stake. The car is currently being repaired. The garage has been given four hours of repair time. The team will find out if there is enough damage to the car’s roll bar to allow the rally to continue. In the machine shop the car is completely smashed.

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