Russians stop gas supply again

From the BZ editorial team

Energy company Gazprom announced on Friday (August 19) that the pipeline will be shut down for “maintenance” from August 31 to September 2.

During this period, the only operational Trent 60 gas compressor unit will be shut down for three days “for maintenance and preventive maintenance,” the statement said.

According to the company, the maintenance work will be carried out jointly with Siemens in accordance with the current maintenance contract.

► According to Siemens technical documentation, it is necessary to carry out technical maintenance on the device every 1000 hours, which includes, among other things, inspecting the housing for cracks, holes, deformations and burn marks, as well as checking the operation of the safety valves and adjusting the air flow control system.

As soon as the work has been completed and there are no technical faults at the plant, gas transport will resume at 33 million cubic meters per day.

▶︎ This is the amount of gas that is currently flowing through the pipeline – only 20 percent of the total capacity that would be possible in the pipeline.

Russia justifies this delivery volume from Nord Stream 1, which has been low for weeks, with the lack of a Siemens Energy turbine that was serviced in Canada and is currently stored in Mülheim an der Ruhr.

A propaganda excuse by the Kremlin to keep down the gas supplies that are supposed to flow through the pipeline. Chancellor Olaf Scholz (64, SPD) also recently visited the turbine to make it clear that it would be ready for use at any time.

