Judiciary Blockade | The Government compares Feijóo with Trump for breaching the agreement to renew CGPJ

08/19/2022 at 15:45


The previous leadership of the PP denies that the new popular president was not informed of the agreement to unblock the renewal of this body

Mr feijooquite the opposite of that image of a moderate that he wants to sell us, he is showing himself to be a politician on a par with [Donald] Trump”. With this harshness, the Minister of Science, Diana Morant, has charged against the leader of the PP, Alberto Nunez Feijooafter he said that he was unaware of the existence of an agreement between the PSOE and the PP, reached during the time of Pablo Casado, and the previous leadership of the party has amended it and assures that he informed the Galician leader of this pact.

The excuses offered by Feijóo, alleging that he was not aware of said understanding and that Casado did not give him any document in the transfer of powers, have led the previous dome of the popular to deny this version, opening a new flank for the Socialists. “He denied being aware of an agreement between the previous leadership of the PP and the Government of Spain for the renewal of the CGPJ and It has been his own party who has denied Feijóo“Morant stressed.

“The extremely serious situation is that a politician lies brazenly, that he becomes a politician who is not trustworthy, that he is not a valid interlocutor. The most serious thing is the reason for the lie, which wants remain in rebellion and disobedience in the face of what the Constitution mandates“, the socialist leader has attacked, further raising the tone of the accusations that the President of the Government himself, Pedro Sánchez, and the Minister of the Presidency, Félix Bolaños, had launched in recent days.

Morant wanted to influence the comparison made between Feijóo and the former president of the United States: “Trump and his continuous attacks on democracy are having a mirror in Spain with Mr. Feijóo“. Immediately afterwards, he insisted that the Government should have before it an “honest person” with whom to reach agreements and that lies cannot be “normalized”. “Never in the history of our country had what is happening now. The PP keeps the judiciary hostage “, he has summed up.
