Kruse criticizes the reserve role at VfL

Two weeks before the end of the change period, Max Kruse made no secret of his dissatisfaction as the current substitute.

“It’s very clear that I’m not satisfied with the role I have at the moment. I’m 34, still in good football age – and there hasn’t been a season in which I’ve really played shit,” said Kruse on his Twitch channel.

Kruse was only a substitute under the new Wolfsburg coach Niko Kovac in the previous two Bundesliga games. Last season, under Florian Kohfeldt, he played an important role in the fight to stay up.

Kocav soberly commented on the offensive player’s dissatisfaction at a press conference: “Everyone wants to play, that’s completely normal.” He and the coaching team would decide on the basis, said Kovac, “what is offered to us in the training week”.

Kruse did not express any concrete thoughts about the change. “There is no contact with any clubs at the moment,” said the striker. However, he did not categorically rule out that something else could happen in the next two weeks.

“The speculation will only end in two weeks, then we can be sure,” said Kruse. Recently there had been speculation about a return to Werder Bremen. Werder Bremen’s sporting director Clemens Fritz had rejected this at the beginning of the week.
