Fritzbox reveals how fast the Internet speed is

If you own a Fritzbox from AVM, you can measure the Internet speed in upload and download with pinpoint accuracy – without a speed test. TECHBOOK shows the hidden menu in the router.

Internet providers often promise a certain Internet speed. But it is not uncommon for users to get completely different values. If you want to know how fast the Internet line actually is and whether the bandwidth specified in the contract is actually being used, you can easily find out using the Fritzbox. The router displays the current upload and download speed without an external speed test. TECHBOOK explains where to find the setting.

Find out Internet speed via Fritzbox

If you want to read your actual Internet speed over a certain point in time via the Fritzbox, proceed as follows:

It is important that the Fritzbox is connected to the Internet in the home network if you want to read the speed. In principle, it does not matter whether the connection is via cable or WLAN, but the wired solution is more accurate because it is less susceptible to loss. To get to the router menu, users must enter the URL in the browser call. Alternatively, you can use the Fritzbox under the IP address reach, which must be entered directly into the address line of the browser.

The start page of the Fritzbox menu opens, where users have to log in with their username and password. After logging in to the Fritzbox interface, click on “Internet” in the left menu. Then click on “DSL information”. The following window appears in the Fritzbox menu, in which the current Internet speed can be read:

DSL information on the Fritzbox interface – you can also see the speed of your Internet line herePhoto: TECHBOOK

Also read: Fix the most common WLAN problems with the Fritzbox

In the view, the Fritzbox documents the current connection to the DSL exchange. The receive direction shows the downstream speed, the send direction shows the upstream speed. The speed shown is the highest possible between the switching station and the Internet connection. However, the contract booked by the user can contain a corresponding throttling, for example to 50 megabits per second (Mbit/s). However, if the maximum achievable data rate is lower than specified in the contract, users should contact their internet provider. With the change in the TKG amendment in December 2021, you have the right to reduce the monthly basic fee if the bandwidth is too low.
