This year, during the Major Festival of the Barcelona district of Gràcia -which are celebrated from August 15 to 21– a total of 23 streets and 4 squares.
Decorating the arteries of the neighborhood is one of the main assets of an almost bicentennial festival, which also includes concerts, popular dances, human tower exhibitions and other festive and religious events.
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The contest will be held on next August 17 and the awards ceremony will be from 6pm in the Vila de Gràcia square.
Decorated streets and squares
These are the streets and squares decorated this year and the proposed theme:
Carrer Berga. L’Horta
Carrer Ciudad Real. Ales de Llibertat
Carrer Fraternitat de Baix. The Vermella Caputxeta
Carrer Fraternitat de Dalt. The Fraternity
Carrer Jesus. Nadal Summer
Carrer Joan Blanques de Baix. Ink and graphite
Carrer Joan Blanques de Baix de Tot. New York!
Carrer La Perla. under construction
Carrer Llibertat. Vikings
Carrer Lluís Vives. snoopy
Mozart Street. camera darrere
Carrer Perill. Bugaderia Perill
Plaça del Poble Gitano. L’espai imaginat
Plaça de la Vila. Camp per guarantee
North Square. Zen Garden of the North
Plaça Rovira. Life returns to Rovira
Placeta Sant Miquel. save the polar bears
Progressive Street. Progress Park
Carrer Providencia. Providence house
Carrer Puigmarti. the day of the dead
Tordera Street. Passeig per la China
Crossing Sant Antoni
Carrer Verdi. Quixote
John Lennon Square
Raspall Square. 20 years of La Barraqueta
Carrer Sant Pere Martir. you war obliges
Santa Rosa Street. Hell for foreigners