Huge havoc after old funeral car catches fire and explodes

A special funeral car from 1977 caught fire on Tuesday evening on Rector van Nestestraat in Budel-Dorplein. The heat also caused the tank to explode, sending parts of the car meters through the air. No one was injured in the fire.

Written by

Sven de Laet

The fire broke out just after 8:30 on Tuesday evening in the striking car, a Ford Country Square Station Wagon. The flames also scorched much of the berm. There was also a lot of smoke.

In the end, firefighters quickly brought the fire under control. At that time, many local residents had already come to the devastation. It is unclear how the fire started.

Photo: WdG/SQ Vision
Photo: WdG/SQ Vision

Photo: WdG/SQ Vision
Photo: WdG/SQ Vision
