n customer’s credit card numbers ended up in the hands of criminals – are you among them?

Charges of the size of one euro appeared on several cards, reports Ilta-Sanomat.

OP sends new credit cards to its customers. Antti Nikkanen / Kauppalehti

OP closes the cards of 1,814 customers due to unauthorized charges. Ilta-Sanomat reported on the matter.

Charges of one euro have been made on the cards in the name of Ruums Technologies, a company located in Spain. The charges were directed to the credit side of OP’s combination card.

The bank’s customers can check whether their card numbers have ended up in the hands of an outsider by checking whether there are euro charges made by Ruums Technologies in credit card transactions.

Ilta-Sanomie interviewed the person in charge of OP’s card transactions Teemu Kortteen according to which the numbers were found out computerized, not as a result of a leak.

Transactions had also been made on cards that don’t even exist. Small, euro-sized charges are the criminals’ first way to test whether card transactions go through.

Charges started appearing over the weekend, but they were quickly stopped. At the moment, the debitor is completely blocked. Affected customers will receive an online message and a new card in the mail.
