Medicines and heat: 3 rules to follow

LThe extreme heat, to avoid serious health risks, also requires particular attention to the correct storage of drugs. “Medicines must be kept within 24 degrees,” he begins Marco Cossolo president of Federfarma. Here are some practical tips to follow, even on vacation.

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If you are traveling by plane you have to bring the medicines in your hand luggage (you avoid problems even in case of misunderstandings on the return of the embarked suitcases, ed). Left in the hold, the drugs would be subjected, flying at high altitudes, to temperatures below zero.

It is useful to have on the go a cooler for medicines, if you have to transport, for example, insulin, which must be kept in the refrigerator between + 4 ° C and + 8 ° C. Before using it, taken from the fridge, it is better to wait some time because the injection with insulin is very cold can be painful.

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Beware of special medications

Antihypertensives, anticoagulants, do-it-yourself tests, such as those for Covid or pregnancy, must all be kept within 24 degrees. The same rule applies to sprays such as that for asthma. Generally, if possible, it is better to choose tablets rather than sprays.

Finally, the important thing is to be aware that drugs left at high temperatures, perhaps on the beach under the umbrella, in 90 percent of cases they lose effectiveness.

