Olympic champion Mihambo on course for gold in the long jump

Olympic champion Mihambo on course for gold in the long jump

Malaika Mihambo from Germany has chances for the gold medal Photo: picture alliance/dpa | Sven Hoppe

From BZ/dpa

Long jump Olympic champion Malaika Mihambo has set course for the desired European Championship gold medal with an outstanding pre-combat distance.

The 28-year-old jumped 6.99 meters on Tuesday in Munich’s Olympic Stadium – that would have been enough to win the title at the European Championships in Berlin four years ago.

Mihambo’s start at the European Championships had been questionable after a corona illness. Nothing was noticeable in their convincing preliminary fight.

“I feel pretty good,” said Mihambo on the stadium microphone. After an invalid first attempt, she showed strength in the second round. “6.99 speaks for itself somewhere,” said the athlete from the LG Kurpfalz. However, she still notices that after her infection she is more tired than usual after the units.

Mihambo successfully defended her 2019 title at the World Championships in Eugene. Now she wants to celebrate her second European Championship victory in Munich. The medals will be awarded on Thursday.


Athletics European Athletics Championships Malaika Mihambo long jump
