Boy injured by multiple stabs at station | NOW

One person was injured in a stabbing in the bicycle shed at the station in Apeldoorn. The victim has been transferred to hospital.

Police were looking for the perpetrator in the area. The incident took place around 8.30 pm at 2e Wormenseweg in Apeldoorn. The area was briefly cordoned off by the police. Initially, an air ambulance was also called in, but it did not land and returned earlier.

Many people came to the consternation. One of the local residents was one of the first to be there. They heard screams and looked out the window. “I saw a boy at the bicycle shed, he had stab wounds on the side of his chest and pushed the wound with a rolled-up shirt,” says the woman who only wants to tell her story anonymously.

“I immediately saw another boy on a scooter driving off cursingly, towards Apeldoorn-South. Then I immediately went outside and then two boys with a scooter were already standing next to him. Friends, they said, who had just arrived. I I don’t know if that’s true I didn’t have to call 911 anymore, those guys had already done that They were still a bit panicked of course Then I offered them water and a chair And then the police were already there, just like the ambulance. They gave him oxygen.”

The woman did not say whether the injuries were very serious. “The boys were talking about a blade of about five centimeters. He was bleeding a lot anyway.”


She is not really afraid, but given the area where she lives she thinks it is wiser not to mention her name. “You know, luckily nothing happens here very often, but there are a lot of people walking around here all the time. Of course, there is a school and many people park their bicycles here. But it is also through the tunnel under the station. there is sometimes some scum around here. We are shocked of course and first look out the window before we get to it. But if we can help, we will.”

Police have not yet been able to provide an explanation.
